【イベント】Yuya Yoshimatsu 個展のお知らせ
11月18日(土)より、福岡を拠点に活動するアーティストYuya Yoshimatsuの個展(展示販売)がhaf coffee stopにて開催されます。
by Yuya Yoshimatsu
OPEN:8:00-17:00 ※土曜・祝日は9:00-18:00
CLOSE:日・月 ※11月19日(日)は営業
11月1日にオープンしたばかりのhaf coffee stopのこけら落としとなる初の企画は、来年ヨーロッパ行きを控えるYuya Yoshimatsuの個展。
Yuya Yoshimatsu
また、同拠点の総合コレクティブCCS records.に所属しており、油画制作以外ではpen public名義で活動している。
現在継続的に制作している”Lines and Colors”シリーズは、彼自身の日常を投影した景色”無意識に羅列された色を帯びた線”によって生じる必然性と偶発性を追求した実験的創作物である。
Oil painter/Based in Fukuoka
He is an artist active both domestically and internationally and he is also a member of the general collective CCS records in Fukuoka, and he is active under the name pen public when he’s making other works.
The “Lines and Colors” series that he is currently producing is an experimental creation that pursues the necessity and contingency created by “unconsciously arranged colored lines” that are a projection of his own daily life. It is a thing.
He considers the inevitability that arises from the act of “placing paint in a linear manner on canvas” in his own production process.
The title is the total number of lines that he counts after painted it, creating a contingency of numbers (titles) that are equally known to both the artist and the viewer.
The colors and shapes, even the titles they create, are the works of both the artist and you.